About Jennifer DiGrazia
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Jennifer DiGrazia contributed a whooping 11 entries.
Entries by Jennifer DiGrazia
April 11, 2017 /0 Comments/by Jennifer DiGraziaDifference Between Industrial Hemp And Cannabis
April 11, 2017 /0 Comments/by Jennifer DiGraziaSUPERCRITICAL CO2 EXTRACTION
April 11, 2017 /0 Comments/by Jennifer DiGraziaArticle – “DEA quietly classifies CBD oil as schedule 1 drug
DEA QUIETLY CLASSIFIES CBD OIL AS SCHEDULE 1 DRUG On Wednesday, the DEA took yet another swipe at marijuana by amending its already bizarre classification of pot as a Schedule I drug. Now, all extracts, including cannabidiol (CBD), will be listed right up there with heroin as a “drug with no medical use.” Tell […]
CBG – The Next Big Cannabinoid Strain by Herb.com
Enhancements in medical marijuana research have increased substantially since the legalization of marijuana. With states like Colorado receiving $10 million in research funding, we will continue to see an increase in the knowledge and benefits of marijuana. As restrictions on cannabis testing continue to decrease, we will finally see the true reasoning behind the Government […]
The Endocannbiniod System and response..We Are All One!
The Endocannabinoid System- An Overview The following information is presented for educational purposes only. BounceBack Botanical offers this information to provide an understanding of the potential applications of cannabinoids. Links to third party websites do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations by BounceBack Botanicals and none should be inferred. The endocannabinoid system is […]
An Introduction to Cannabidiol, What Is CBD?
The medical marijuana movement is in full swing. Slowly but surely, the rest of America is waking up to facts we’ve known for quite some time – cannabis is a versatile plant with a host of practical uses and medicinal benefits. The cannabis plant owes its magical properties to a wide variety of active compounds. […]
Our Company’s Commitment to you and your Pet
Here at BounceBack Botanicals we have a golden rule that we not only apply to our own dogs but to yours as well. If it’s not healthy for me to ingest or put on topically, then it not healthy for my dogs…period!!!!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
BounceBack Botanicals
2604 East 28th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11235 U.S.A.
+718 648-8685
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00am- 9:00pm
Sat: 8:00am- 8:00pm
Sun: 8:00am- 7:00pm